Why is Data Extraction Still an Unresolved Issue?

Why is Data Extraction Still an Unresolved Issue?

While technology is developing at such a rapid pace, many enterprises remain stuck in the past with outdated tools, and frankly, outdated mindsets. The reality is, organisations are continuously experiencing unresolved issues related to extracting data from documents. In ...

Data Extraction Tools: Difference Between Understanding and Memorising Data

Is there a difference between understanding and memorising "something"? Absolutely. But does this still count for ...

Why Is Document Data Extraction So Complex?

Companies globally are now looking for new, and easier, ways to harness their data. This is because the days where ...

What Is Intelligent Document Processing (IDP)?

Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) is an AI-powered technology that transforms unstructured and semi-structured ...

Data Extraction From Large PDF Catalogues

Imagine large PDF catalogues from suppliers—hundreds of pages with different products (e.g. screws, health care protective ...

6 Things To Know About Data Extraction

According to MIT, data-driven decision-making for businesses can increase their productivity by at least 6%. Yet, barely ...

6 Ways Automated PDF Data Extraction Improves Income Verification

When it comes to income verification processes, PDF Data extraction used to be a battle between an employee and their ...

Automated Data Extraction: Will It Last?

Data serves as the foundation for any business' success: fact. The International Data Center (IDC) expects that the global ...

Using IDP to End the Pain of Manual Invoice Processing

According to a study by Aberdeen Group, manually processing an invoice can take as much as twenty days – that’s almost three ...

Intelligent Document Processing for Banks

There’s no question that the world is digitising. Consumers are constantly expecting more convenience, simplified ...